
Showing posts from 2011

Top Beauty Products for 2011

As 2011 is coming to an end, I thought it would be helpful to share my favorite beauty products that I have been loving and using this past year to all of you busy moms.  I wanted to limit my list to my top 10 but that clearly didn't work - I had way too many products to choose from so I decided to break it down into categories.  Face products: 1.   Chanel Hydramaxactive + Active Moisture Gel Cream - I know it's a pricey face cream at $72.00 for 1.7 oz but my tub has lasted me over a year and I still have quite a bit left.  I use it after my primer to help hydrate my skin.  Even though I have combination skin with oiliness in the T zone, I find that using this gel cream helps to keep my skin hydrated which in turns keeps my skin from getting too oily.  I know it sounds kind of counterintuitive but for some reason it works for me.  Plus I absolutely love the smell of this cream - it smells amazing! 2.  Clarisonic Mia - I got this rotating facial cleansing brush back in Ja

The one New Year's resolution you want to keep!

I cant believe how fast time flies!  So 2011 is almost behind us, which means it's time to make your 2012 New Year's resolutions.  Every year we make many resolutions with every intention to keep them, but as per the norm, we eventually (some faster that others) give them up.  Why do we give up on our resolutions?  My thought is that most people either make too many resolutions or they make resolutions that are unrealistic from the beginning.  If you want to start out 2012 with a resolution that you can keep, one that will help you lose weight (and keep it off), one that will stimulate your metabolism, one that will give you more energy, one that will relieve headaches and migraines, one that will stave off cravings, one that will make you feel on the whole better - then all you need to do is be good to your body and have just one resolution.  What is this resolution you ask??   Eat 5-6 small meals every 3-4 hours with each meal/snack consisting of a lean protein + complex

Notes from the Dietitian....Holiday tips!

Being that I am a Registered Dietitian, I do have some pretty valuable tips to help you from gaining unnecessary weight during the holidays (and all year round).  The holidays are a time for enjoying all of the festivities but that doesn't mean you have to starve yourself.  Tip #1 - It is perfectly acceptable to enjoy all of the food of the holidays - but in moderation!  That is the key - PORTION CONTROL!!  Try a bite of all that you want to try, but only a bite and try to avoid a second plate/helping.  Otherwise your caloric intake will gradually increase leading to some extra LBS after the New Year.  Tip #2 - Exercise/Physical Activity.  Everyone knows that the weight gain equation is this:                                 Calories In - Calories Out = Your Weight. In other words, you need to burn more calories through physical activity than the calories that you consume from your foods and beverages.  Do whatever physical activity you can and as much as you can to help stave

Today is my twins' 5th birthday!!

I cant believe how fast time flies but today is my twins' 5th birthday!  Where did the time go?  I feel like my babies are growing up so fast and there are so many things that I want them to experience before they get too big to appreciate it.  I decided to start a blog on this milestone so I can document as many memories and experiences as I can as well as share my life experiences with you as a busy mom of 3 and as a working professional. I remember bringing home Shaan and Ishani and thinking "how am I supposed to take care of these little beings?"  After all, Shaan was only 3lbs 15oz and Ishani was 4lb when we were discharged from the hospital.  I swear the twins lived in preemie clothes for the first 4 months of their life! But we tried to enjoy every moment we could - well, I cant actually remember since I was in a sleep induced haze but from the pictures I have, it looked like we enjoyed each moment.  The twins always lagged in growth but they followed their own